Hello to all ambassadors and warm greetings from Cameroun. It was a cold Tuesday morning of April and I had an appointment with the students of FRANKLINE SECONDARY SCHOOL, YAOUNDE, it was a talk titled, MY ENVIRONMENT , MY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY . 
I was with a few members of the green volunteer team and started by introducing myself and unveiling the objectives of TUNZA and telling them about this wonderful environmental networking platform by the UNEP and Samsung company to empower children and youths about their environment, problems affecting it and how they can take action. I made them to understand that we out to create awareness, impact, network and take action on our local communities. 

I did a 30minutes interactive talk on global environmentalism, climate change with focus on the vulnerability of Cameroun by using local examples of climate variability and agriculture. Where most local farmer because of uncertainty in rainful, cannot know when to plant their crops resulting in poor harvest. Since most of agriculture is rainfed .I ended with the way forward by talking about adaptation and mitigation and how they can take action at their local level.
    The conversation was so interesting and what made me happy is that most of them were not current but curious to learn and create an impact in their local communities. They were so interested to take immediate action and so i quickly link them to the tunza website.

The teachers and staffs ask that I should create an environmental club in this institution and pass time and again to monitor it. I would like to thank the ECO-GENERATION TEAM for this wonderful opportunity full of fun, advocacy and positive impact. 

This initiative is one of its kind, after the interactive talk there was immediate breakthrough on how this youths perceive their environment through my evaluation survey analysis and most importantly they were anxious to jion the newly form environmental club which a long term impact to continue this fight . Our environment is our social responsibility. Ambassador AZIEH EDWIN, YAOUNDE .CAMEROON.

This is also available on  Tunza Ecogeneration


      Hello to all Ambassadors and please have fun with me and my pupils. After watching the SAMSUNG SCHOOL learning toolkit, I though of a crazy ideas to empower kids around my neighborhood. Though it was a difficult to put these children together, I succeeded to form a small ECO-FRIENDLY SCHOOL in honor of the EARTH. This initiative was 4 times a week within the month of May and last class in the mid of April consisting of evaluation

These kids are on holidays for the EASTER break but we all know GOD loves nature too as often said by PROPHET T B JOSHUA .So their parents did not hesitate to accept my proposal of having private EARTH AWARENESS classes with them in my SAMSUNG ECO-SCHOOL which I intended to empower and engage them with the objectives of Tunza Eco-generation initiative consisting of basic resourceful knowledge about their   precious environment on topics like air, land,water, ecosystem and climate change.

Today is my last SAMSUNG ECO-SCHOOL initiative and the weather is friendly and I decided to hold it under the Tree which seems ridiculous. But because the TUNZA initiative is natural, practical and worthy and full of natural fun it makes me relaxed .i am delighted and feel fulfill for I could see a GREEN FUTURE on the faces of these kids  who are anxious to gain new resourceful ideas and get engage in a global fight for sustainability?s was impressed about their activities at home and their local communities for the past mouth. They talk mostly on how they reuse their waste, containers ,plastics  ,planting of flowers  and keeping clean and other items such as drinking  bottles. Their ignorance about basic environmental issues was eliminated by smiling faces of advocacy after acquiring memorable knowledge about their environs from the Samsung eco- school initiative.

During this last class I equally did an assessment Quiz to see weather their role and commitment to the environment was felt and understood and the results were awesome awarded prices compose some of the Samsung schools to best pupils. I had lots of FUN answering silly interesting and meanifull questions.

I would like to thank the ECO-GENERATION TEAM for these wonderful initiatives, yes, indeed the future is green and these kids are ready to launch a GREEN REVOLUTION in Cameroon and the World .They also want to learn about the major technologies and innovations that will change the way we live. I am SAMSUNG ECO -SCHOOL teacher initiative reporting from Cameroon and will like to take this initiative to remote  rural  areas of my country  through the support of TUNZA.AMBASSADOR AZIEH EDWIN A.YAOUNDE,CAMEROON.

This is also available on  Tunza Ecogeneration