Most  of  Cameroon's biological el-dorados have been threatened and majority of the flora and fauna are facing extinction that is why i decided to celebrate this day with the future generation at the MT.Cameroon biological el-dorado.Giving them a brief lecture in this park   was important for them to understand some terms.Biological diversity refers to the variety of all plants,animals and micro-organisms their genetic make up, habitats and ecological processes on the earth.Cameroon is an el-dorado of biological species which are usefull  to mankind  as a source of material,a genetic resource which can contribute to the  improvement of breeds and to the development of biotechnology,i explained.I made the children to understand their role in the ecosystem and their importance to man and made them see the need for protection and conservation since most of Cameroon's biological diversity in fast disapearing.It is  now recognised that  the rate of extinction which has accelerated over the years,constituted a loss of our NATURAL CAPITAL and thus a threat to human survival.The rate of extinction in Cameroon is still unknow but it is estimated to be high due to high level of poaching,habitat loss upon which species depend.large scale conversion of primary forest due to agricultural expansion,logging,constrution works,pressure to meet up firewood requirements,forest fires particularly in grassland areas play a great role.Also,hunting ivory,skins and other animal parts is a form of business and livelyhood reported within the country national park areas and also from cross border poachhers attacts.we ended by making the children understand how they can take part in this figth and also behave well in park areas not to leave negative impacts like throwing pastics and destroying habitats.The results of this biodiversity day leisure trip were fruitfull for most of the youths were never aware of the day or even care to know about  this threats.Thanks to Tunza Eco-generationg,UNEP and SAMSUNG  this wonderfull iniative.

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