Threats to the Rich Biological Dversity of Cameroon.

Cameroon is a beautiful country situated at the heart of Africa and usually known as African miniature for its rich endowments in variety of every aspect of Africa biodiversity ,culture, etc.
Cameroon I is bless by God with a biological diversity of different variety of species of plants,animals,and micro-organisms. The total number of species are not know  to have been identified by scientist. But the usefulness of these species to the people of Cameroon is increasing, not only as a source of material but also as a new genetic resource which can contribute to the improvement of breeds and to the development of biotechnology.
With their role in the ecosystem and importance to man, biological diversity is disappearing at a very fast rate in Cameroon keeping us volunteers, advocates and environmental experts worried. It is now recognized that the rate of extinction, which has accelerated over the years constituted a loss of natural capital and thus a threat to human survival.
A threat to the survival of gorillas, chimpanzees, elephants, monkeys and other primates is a call for concern everyday. This has been due to human activities such as agricultural encroachments, commercial logging, settlements and roads splitting habitats and rendering species vulnerable.
Again,hunting,traping and illegal trading of bush meat is one of the most severe threats to endangered wildlife species in the country with  impacts on the country biodiversity.
As a Tunza Eco-Regional Ambassador in this Region with an object to create to awareness about this phenomenon especially amongst children and youths ,get them involve and committed to remedy our biodiversity for the future generation.
I took a wise decision to target some few community public schools especially in most affected areas and in the cause of my campaign, I realize this children and youths bear witness with me that most species are becoming rare. it was an accomplishment for many of them did testify that they were anxious to see some particular species which they hear only by names from their parents but it is proving  difficult .At the end they all pledge to do their best to protect the remaining species for the

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