20th Edition of The mount Cameroon Race of Hope
Today is another   historic day in   the legendary town of Buea,Cameroon.  It is the 20th edition of the Mt .Cameroon African Race of Hope Sponsored   by Guinness Cameroon S.A.
This is a traditional race in one of African s highest mountain , with a high of 4100m above sea level.
This year we had  foreign athletes  from  Japan,USA,France,Congo Brazaville,Kenya, and other African countries.
The race usually begin from the molyko ominisport stadium and constitute of 38km of ascending and descending  the mountain on an altitude of  about 4100m above the sea.
This historic event started in March 1997 and this year the the race was flag up by the Minister of Sports And  Physical Education at 6 am.
We all understand this race is a unique race in the world,but as an advocate  and environmental activist my corncern is the threats  and constraints to the Mt.cameroon mountain ecosystem,Hahbitats and Rich biodiversity.
Over the years,I have realize the organizing committee usually do little in sensitizing the people on how to conserve and protect this rich Mt. ecosystem and biodiversities.
Again, usually after the race little efforts are being done to reconstruct   damages done on this rich  mt ecosystem. My fear Is that this race  over the  years  encouraging more and more encroachment of humans into this mountain sanctuary leading to habitat loss and subsequent extinction of species
Worst of all humans during this race usually import much waste into this natural mt ecosystem especially non-biodegradable waste which have negative impacts on the environment. They are usually made up by plastic papers and plastic containers which they carry food, drinking water and other facilities to the mountain.
In my report photos, you see heaps of  non-biodegradable waste that I and and group youths cleanse at the mountain ecosystem  during our  leisure field work under Tunza  eco-generation initiative to celebrate world biodiversity day. That was some of the aftermaths of this race to the ecosystem.
I am greatly concern about the sustainability of this race and I pledge to dip deeper to know  how it puts my environment to risks. I invite   Tunza  to be part of this race next year to see for themselves

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